4 buckwheat diet options and delicious recipes for those who want to lose weight

Among the numerous diets, it is very difficult to choose one that does not require large financial costs and at the same time allows the body to maintain a balance of nutrients even on a restricted diet. This is why the buckwheat diet is so popular. In terms of utility, cereals replace a whole food package, act quickly and are inexpensive.

Buckwheat for weight loss

The whole secret lies in the correct preparation of porridge, which, as the main dish of the diet, will make the body get rid of fat deposits, excess fluid and other ballast.

The benefits of buckwheat for the human body

Buckwheat is a low-carbohydrate cereal, which is important for weight loss.

Regarding its nutritional value, buckwheat is one of the leading cereals among cereals. The protein it contains is almost like meat, which it successfully replaces in the diet of vegetarians. And carbohydrates, unlike most cereals, are very small, which is important for diabetics and those who are losing weight. At the same time, buckwheat is rich in fiber, which means that it can cleanse the liver and the entire digestive tract.

The content of vitamins and microelements in this cereal is a separate issue. B vitamins are essential for the heart and brain, provide good vision and a balance between water and salt, and vitamin P is good for blood vessels.

Folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, and a comprehensive list of other useful trace elements and acids make buckwheat indispensable for replenishing vitality, cell and lipid metabolism.

That is why buckwheat porridge is a must on the menu of pregnant women, children and everyone who cares about their health. And, of course, in the diet of those who control their weight. In fact, with such valuable qualities, buckwheat is low in calories and has the ability to remove excess cholesterol and other unnecessary substances from the body. Such a successful combination formed the basis of the buckwheat diet.

Possible damage to cereals.

Due to its easy tolerance, buckwheat has no contraindications for use. But it is recommended in limited quantities for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prone to spasms and diarrhea, as well as during inflammatory processes in the digestive system.

Duration of the buckwheat diet and possible weight loss.

With all the usefulness of buckwheat, the maximum permissible duration of a diet based on it without tangible harm to the body is 14 days. Also, the most pronounced weight loss occurs in the first week. Therefore, nutritionists have developed options for different durations: three, five, seven days, and two weeks. After all, not everyone can endure a mono-diet for a long time, in which case you can choose a gentler option.

How many kilograms will be spent in a certain period of time, it is impossible to say for sure. It all depends on the "initial" weight and the mass of other individual characteristics. On average, in one week it is possible to lose from 1. 5 to 3 kg, and in two - from 3 to 6 kg. This process is all the more obvious the more extra kilos there are on the body. You can repeat the buckwheat weight loss course no earlier than a month and a half after the previous one.

The correct way to cook diet porridge.

Buckwheat for weight loss is prepared in a special way: it should be steamed, not boiled. Therefore, it is more convenient to immediately cook the required volume for the day. 500 g of buckwheat grains at night should be poured with boiling water in a volume of 1. 5 liters, covered with a lid and placed in a warm place or wrapped in a blanket. In the morning, the crumbly diet porridge will be ready to eat.

A faster option is obtained by using a thermos. A glass of cereal is poured into its flask and poured with two glasses of boiling water, and then closed with a lid. An infusion of 45 minutes is enough for the porridge to be ready.

In this way, the cereal retains its value as much as possible. Diet porridge excludes additives in the form of salt, sugar, oil, spices and sauces.

Buckwheat diet varieties

Lose weight thanks to the buckwheat diet

The variety of buckwheat-based diets is quite wide. The most famous options:

  • strict buckwheat;
  • saver (healing);
  • buckwheat kefir;
  • buckwheat and apple;
  • buckwheat and vegetables;
  • buckwheat with dried fruits;
  • with low-calorie dairy products;
  • with vegetables, lean fish and lean meats.

A strict diet involves the use exclusively of steamed buckwheat and water, occasionally a small amount of kefir, but this option is a true test of willpower. The most popular is buckwheat kefir, which allows, in addition to porridge, up to one liter of kefir per day.

A moderate buckwheat diet for weight loss is also used as a therapeutic relief for the body. She allows you to add a little cottage cheese to a buckwheat breakfast, a piece of lean meat for dinner, as well as a daily apple-shaped snack or a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives.

Including nuts (no more than five to six pieces per day) or a teaspoon of honey will help those who do not feel good without sugar in their diet.

In either variation, you can drink plain still water or green tea without restrictions, eating four to six times during the day, with the last being 4-6 hours before bedtime.

Monkey diet for 3 days

The three-day version is more likely not a diet, but a useful dump course or trial option for those who want to test their strength before a longer food restriction. But even in such a short time, many manage to lose about two kilograms and feel pleasant changes in the state of their skin.

It is optimal to follow a strict buckwheat or buckwheat kefir diet (up to 1 liter of kefir per day) for all three days. If it is too difficult or a feeling of weakness appears due to lack of sugar, it is allowed to eat an apple, orange or some dried fruit.

Diet for 5 days

A longer diet course allows for a greater variety of low-calorie, low-calorie porridge dietary supplements.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st day Buckwheat porridge, a glass of low-fat kefir, an apple 200 g of porridge, 200 g of vegetable salad with olive oil Buckwheat dipped in kefir, unsweetened tea
2nd day Buckwheat dipped in kefir, apple, tea Buckwheat dipped in kefir, 200 g of fresh vegetables Buckwheat dipped in kefir, unsweetened tea
3rd day During the day, eat five servings of buckwheat soaked in kefir, drink more water.
4th day Buckwheat porridge, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 0. 5 cups kefir Buckwheat porridge, a piece of boiled lean meat, stewed vegetables 100 g of buckwheat porridge, a glass of kefir
Fifth day Alternating buckwheat with kefir every two hours + lots of water and green tea

Diet for 7 days

Eating buckwheat can effectively lose weight

For tangible weight loss, it is recommended to maintain a kefir and buckwheat diet throughout the week or be guided by the following scheme.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st day Oatmeal porridge, half a glass of kefir Oil-free steamed buckwheat cutlets Buckwheat porridge or casserole, a glass of kefir
2nd day Buckwheat pancakes, a glass of kefir Porridge, nuts A glass of kefir
3rd day Porridge, nuts Porridge, green salad Porridge, a glass of kefir
4th day Buckwheat bread, buckwheat pancakes Porridge Porridge, apple
Fifth day Porridge, a glass of kefir Coleslaw, steamed buckwheat cutlets A glass of kefir, orange or apple.
6th day A glass of kefir Steamed buckwheat cutlets Porridge or casserole, a glass of kefir
Seventh day Buckwheat pancakes, a glass of kefir Porridge, nuts A glass of kefir

Diet for 14 days

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st day Porridge, coffee without sugar Vegetable soup Buckwheat with baked vegetables
2nd day Oatmeal porridge with vegetables, unsweetened tea Buckwheat soup with unsweetened milk Buckwheat, boiled egg, vegetables
3rd day During the day: buckwheat porridge, more water.
4th day
Fifth day During the day: buckwheat with dried fruit, rosehip decoction.
6th day Buckwheat, tea Herb Chicken Broth Buckwheat with battered cauliflower
Seventh day Oatmeal porridge with vegetables Okroshka with egg Buckwheat, egg
Eighth day Porridge, cottage cheese, tea 200 g low-fat boiled beef Oatmeal porridge with vegetables
Ninth day Within three days: buckwheat in water, kefir, unsweetened tea
Tenth day
Eleventh day
Twelfth day Porridge, tea Light vegetable soup Buckwheat, a handful of walnuts
Day 13 Oatmeal porridge with nuts Light soup with lentils Porridge with vegetables and mushrooms
Day 14 Porridge, low-fat cottage cheese Broth with egg Steamed chicken breast porridge

Diet can be delicious

Loose buckwheat porridge in the diet of those who want to lose weight.

Below are recipes that you can use to diversify your buckwheat diet and get the most out of it.

Buckwheat soup

For three liters of water we take a glass of buckwheat, and also:

  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • Bell pepper
  • 2 tomatoes
  • a few pieces of cauliflower;
  • some greenery.

Finely chop onions, carrots and tomatoes and simmer with a minimal amount of vegetable oil. Put them in boiling water along with buckwheat and other vegetables and cook for about 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add the herbs and a little salt.

A less strict version allows adding potatoes and a little ghee or beaten egg.

Oatmeal porridge with vegetables

For a glass of buckwheat you will need a medium zucchini, 1 bell pepper, 2 stalks of celery, a fresh tomato (or a teaspoon of dried tomatoes), fresh herbs or dried herbs to taste, 40 ml of vegetable oil.

Pour the flour with two glasses of boiling water and reserve. Meanwhile, peel and dice the vegetables and the peppers into strips and fry in hot oil. Previously, the oil can be calcined with cumin puree or other favorite seasonings, as well as with dried tomato.

Combine the prepared vegetables with buckwheat, add half a glass of water, pepper and salt, bring the entire mass to a boil under the lid, and then simmer for another 15 minutes. After that, remove from heat, add the chopped herbs and serve.

Buckwheat cutlets

For 200 g of cereal, take 1 egg and 1 onion. In addition, you will need breadcrumbs, fresh herbs and salt, as well as vegetable oil for frying.

However, diet chops are best cooked steamed or in the oven.

Boil buckwheat in salted water until tender and cool. Chop the onion into cubes and add it to the buckwheat along with the raw egg. Use a meat grinder to turn the mixture into chopped buckwheat. Add breadcrumbs to minced meat in such quantity that it becomes thick enough to form cutlets.

We sculpt them with wet hands, fry them or send them to a bain-marie or oven.

Buckwheat pancakes

Diet pancakes are baked in the oven. According to this recipe, they are lush and tender. 300 g of buckwheat and a package of cottage cheese should be passed through a meat grinder, gradually add 4 tablespoons of flour, a tablespoon of sugar and 0. 5 teaspoons of salt, and in the process of further kneading, add 1 low-fat cup sour cream.

Place the mixture on a baking sheet to form pancakes and bake until golden.

Buckwheat cabbage rolls

You need to remove the top leaves from the cabbage fork, then lower the cabbage head into boiling water, cook until half cooked, cool slightly, and disassemble into leaves. The places of thickening of the petioles should be slightly beaten.

It is better to cook minced meat in advance. To do this, about 300 g of boiled buckwheat should be mixed with fried onions and an egg. Wrap the minced meat in sheets, forming envelopes or cylinders, and place on a greased baking sheet.

We bake for about 10 minutes, then fill with sour cream with the addition of salt and pepper and send to the oven for another half hour. Instead of sour cream, you can use sour cream sauce with the addition of a small amount of flour fried in butter and vegetable broth. Serve the cabbage rolls sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Prohibited foods during the diet

A real buckwheat diet completely excludes the use of salt and sugar, oil, mayonnaise, tomato sauce and any other sauce, spices and seasonings. Meat and fish, if included in the diet during this period, should be lean. Dairy products should also be low in fat and exclude the presence of flavorings and flavor additives.

Of course, under a total ban all flour and sweet, spicy and salty starchy vegetables like potatoes and super sweet fruits like bananas or dates.

Get off the diet

This is a very scrupulous moment, on which the safety of the result achieved with the help of a diet depends, as well as the minimization of stress for the organs and systems when returning to a normal diet.

So that the lost kilograms do not return in a short time, you need to get out of the restriction mode without problems. During the first week, it is advisable not to remember flour, sweet and fatty foods.

Little by little, you can introduce high-quality butter, and every day or two add two or three new products: several varieties of moderately fatty meat and fish, offal, cheeses, nuts. Drink enough water and green tea, and most importantly, don't overeat.

However, many of those who have gone through the unloading course do not feel the need to have previous unhealthy eating habits and consciously adhere to a balanced diet, minimizing or completely eliminating industrial pastries, sauces with trans and high fats. amounts of salt, fat and fried food.


Any diet is a powerful stress on the body, even if it is based on such a useful product as buckwheat. During this period, there may be weakness, fatigue and headaches, so it is better not to plan this event at the time of strong physical or psycho-emotional overload: exams, an emergency at work, etc.

In any case, even a person who considers himself perfectly healthy should consult a doctor before initiating a prolonged discharge.

The strict contraindications are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • any form of diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • high physical activity;
  • stressful period;
  • nervous diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • subjected to surgical operations on the abdominal organs;
  • the recovery period after any surgery, serious injury, or infection.

Opinions of nutritionists on the effectiveness of buckwheat diets

The practical experience of weight loss allows nutritionists to affirm that buckwheat-based diets are effective in terms of weight loss and sustainability of the result, provided that the restrictions are correctly overcome. The body gets enough protein and fiber, vitamins and minerals, so damage is minimized.

However, the monotony of taste can be tolerated quite strongly, especially by people who no longer have a passion for buckwheat porridge. To understand how acceptable this option is to a particular organism, experts recommend dedicating one buckwheat dump day a week first.


Even if the result of the diet seems insufficient, it is highly undesirable to exceed the established threshold of 14 days; This can lead to a vitamin deficiency and exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is allowed to repeat weight loss with buckwheat not earlier than a month and a half.

If during the period of the diet you feel unwell or feel symptoms of exacerbation of existing diseases, as well as previously unknown unpleasant sensations, you should gently get out of the restrictions and consult a doctor. Listen to and love your body, and it will definitely support your wellness activities with your inner reserves.