How to lose weight 7 kg in a week at home?

how to lose weight quickly at home by 7 kg

Losing weight in a week is a common goal that usually occurs around the summer. As soon as a woman realizes that she will soon have to undress and expose her fats, there is an urgent need to lose weight quickly.

Is it possible to lose 7 kg in just one week? It depends on your age, metabolic characteristics and, of course, motivation. Let's talk about what you need to do to lose weight so fast.

1. Proper nutrition

What is the common recommendation to eat when overweight? Give up fatty, sweet and starchy foods. Don't eat after six. Eat in the morning. Eat fractionally. All these standard tips are good only for those people who do not need to lose 7 kg per week at home. If you are trying to lose weight as quickly as possible, you need to adjust your diet.

Ideally, it would be nice to skip the food altogether. But this is almost impossible. After all, you need energy to go to work and do household chores. The lack of food in the gastrointestinal tract is very harmful to health. Also, you simply cannot survive a whole week without food due to the feeling of hunger, which will constantly haunt you.

So you still need to eat. You should only eat food with an energy value less than 50-80 kcal per 100 grams of weight. And the calorie intake should be limited to 500-600 per day. This will make you feel more or less normal since your stomach will be full. But body weight will start to decline rapidly due to acute nutritional deficiencies.

These are the foods that will form the basis of your diet for the next 7 days:

  • raw vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • fungi;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • seaweed;
  • seafood.

Salt, spices and herbs are allowed. Fat, sugar, any beverage except unsweetened water, tea, and coffee are prohibited. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. First, it will keep you full. Second, dehydration slows down the weight loss process. In case of severe hunger, you can eat a tablespoon of oatmeal or wheat bran with a glass of water.

2. Physical activity

Diet alone is not enough to lose weight quickly. You want to do the impossible: lose 7 kilograms of weight at home in just one week. Even in a month, most people fail to lose as much fat. Therefore, to achieve your goal, you have to try hard.

If you physically work at work, that's good. But not enough to lose weight quickly. Also, you need to train in the gym, run, swim, ride a bike. Try not to stay home for a minute. You should use up as much energy as possible for the next 7 days.

Even if you feel like you have no more strength, get up and go for a walk or to the gym. Trust me, you have enough energy in your body. To make sure of this, touch your sides and stomach. If there's something hanging there, then you won't starve and overwork anytime soon. You must squeeze all the juices out of yourself so that the body is forced to convert subcutaneous fat into energy.

In no case should you lie down on the sofa and wait for the excess weight to disappear by itself. Big goals take a lot of effort. If you can no longer play sports, drink energy drinks or drink coffee. If it doesn't help, train hard. If you can't, just walk to waste calories. If you can't walk anymore, crawl. However, this process will require more energy than sitting in front of the television.

3. Weight loss drugs

You will need to take medication to speed up your weight loss. They will also accelerate the release of energy. This will simultaneously increase your calorie expenditure per unit of time and provide you with the energy you need to exercise. To lose weight faster, you will need stimulant medications.

Read the preparation instructions carefully. Be aware that you may experience side effects. Your likelihood increases because diet and constant physical activity weaken you. All of these drugs have contraindications. Therefore, choose the drug carefully, taking into account your state of health.

4. Elimination of excess liquid

You probably know that most weight loss drugs don't actually break down fat, they just remove water from the body. The manufacturers of these products claim that some "excess fluid" builds up in your body, interfering with weight loss. Of course this is not true. And yet, if you want to lose 7 kg of weight in a week, you cannot do without diuretics.

It is not desirable to use strong drugs. Against the background of nutritional deficiencies and a great loss of electrolytes during exercise, they can harm health. Better buy yourself a regular cheap slimming tea. Contains diuretic herbs that will quickly reduce your body weight.

Do not use diuretics from the first days of the diet. Still, they won't be able to remove more fluid than your body allows. Therefore, it is best to start diuretic therapy towards the end of your marathon, on the sixth or seventh day of the diet. This saves you unnecessary torment and does less damage to your health.

5. Remove excess feces

If you remove the contents of the intestines, it can become much easier. Imagine how much has accumulated there! Of course he is not fat. But when a lot of stool builds up in your digestive tract, your belly looks rounder. And the scales show rounder numbers. After all, they don't know how to calculate the amount of fat in your body, but they measure the mass of everything in you.

At the end of a 500-600 kcal per day diet, your intestines will not have too much stool. But you can still lose 1-2 kilograms of weight by removing its contents. Why not use this simple way to please your scale? Take laxatives on days 6 and 7 of the diet. When it's time to take stock, it will weigh a little less.


It is likely that with the help of our method, you can lose 7 kilograms in a week. But this does not mean that you will get rid of 7 kilograms of fat. Muscle mass will decrease, fluid will come out of the vessels, feces from the intestines. Fat loss will be small, a maximum of 2-3 kilograms. At the same time, you are unlikely to look better after such a heavy diet and physical activity. Therefore, it is better to start losing weight in advance, so as not to rush and get a stable result.